
OrgNice is an online Organizational Charts creator focused specifically on Google Sheets as its source of data. OrgNice is designed for the following -

  • Work directly off your Google Sheets and not copy data over to our servers
  • Make it super easy to create or draw Organization Charts online
  • Make it available to those that need it, where they need it

Work off Google Sheets

OrgNice works by connecting to your Google Sheets data directly and driving Org Charts from the data in your Google Sheets spreadsheet. This allows OrgNice to be

Always Updated

OrgNice always reads the latest state of your Google Sheets spreadsheet. This means you never have to come to OrgNice to update or refresh the data. OrgNice is automatically always up-to-date. If you are sharing your Org Chart then your viewers will see the latest state of the document.

The only time you may need to come back to OrgNice is if you are changing the structure or setup of your data so you want the chart to be drawn differently from before.

Always secure

OrgNice never stores your data on our servers. Your data is always secure and always stored safely at its source - with Google. The data in your Google Sheet is made available to OrgNice via the industry-standard OAuth mechanism - which means you will have to grant OrgNice explicit access to your data and even then OrgNice will only access the data to draw Organizational Charts on the fly.

Easy to Setup

OrgNice aims to be the easiest online Organizational Chart software.

Automatic Chart creation

When you connect your Google Sheets spreadsheet with OrgNice, OrgNice will employ algorithms to analyze the data to automatically create the best Organizational Chart that it can from the data. Our class leading analyzer is capable of looking past errors and auto-correcting any unexpected data to draw the Organization Chart in most cases. In the case that you would like to tweak how your chart is setup, you will have full control over the mapping to create the chart you want.

Additional Fields

OrgNice Organizational Charts support additional fields so you can display more useful information in each node of your chart. You can use this for data like -

  • Titles
  • Departments
  • Contact Info: Phone Numbers/Emails
  • Links to bios/blogs/etc
  • Current Project/Team/…
  • anything else that makes sense in your organization

Sharing and Embedding

Organizational Charts are an effective communication tool. They help employees map out the organization, understand hierarchies and roles and contact the right people to get things done. However, this only works if Organizational Charts are available to everyone where they look for it.


Share OrgNice Organizational Charts to specific people or everyone in your organization or even publicly. You are in control of who sees the chart.


Embed OrgNice Organizational Charts where you access it

  • Inside your Google Sheets using the OrgNice Google Sheets Add-on
  • Anywhere embedding is supported such as
    • In wikis (like Confluence) or software like Salesforce
    • In your internal web-site
    • In Google Sites

Available as a Google Sheets Add-on

OrgNice is available as a Google Sheets Add-on from the Google Workspace Marketplace. You can view and embed your OrgNice Org Charts directly in your Google Sheets.

Powerful Chart Viewer

OrgNice has a easy-to-use Chart Viewer that has powerful features -

  • Easy to navigate - pan and zoom
  • Collapse and Expand the Org Chart as you see fit
  • Compact Layout to make the most of your screen real-estate
  • Highlight and Search for nodes

Get Involved

OrgNice is an early product and what features it gets should be driven by you - its users. We encourage you to get involved and tell us about your use-cases and requirements and drive the roadmap.